Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sequel x Journey pups turn 5 wks old!

The Sequel x Journey puppies dare to venture outside for the first time as they turn 5 weeks old.  The weather cooperated albeit cold in the low 40's but the sun was out for the most part.

They were a little hesitant at first which is to be expected.  I opted not to take Sequel out with them but I didn't need to worry as they quickly adapted and had a grand time!

Auntie Posh and cousins Prada and Prima were running in the arena of which the puppies introduced themselves.

 Prima was just so sweet with them as she cuddled up to the fence trying to get as close to them as the fence would allow.

Several short videos were taken of which can be viewed on my Hob Nob border collie facebook page:


In addition, I uploaded tons of pictures highlighting their fun outdoor adventure!
