Monday, March 12, 2012

Everything happens for a reason....

I have always tried to live my life with the concept that 'everything happens for a reason'.  Sometimes I don't always like or agree with 'that reason' but many times that 'reason' turned out to be a wonderful experience.

Thus leads me to what happened today...

Cachet had her last planned litter in December of 2010 of which were sired by Steeple.  I had contemplated breeding her one more time but she never did come back in heat since her last one in April of 2011.  I was ok with that...

Seems Cachet had other plans:>)

Her running buddy has been Journey since he arrived back here last October for his rendezvous with Sequel...they have become great friends.

As each of my girls started coming in heat in October, I would check all the girls which included Cachet so in this way I knew which girls to separate from running with any of the boys.  Cachet showed no signs of coming in heat which lead me to believe she was finished cycling and thus no more puppies for her.

It was a little bittersweet for me knowing that she was done with breeding as she has thrown some wonderful puppies but mother nature does work on its own agenda...just ask Feisty who has not come in heat since January of 2011!

This morning was no different then any of the other mornings as I let dogs out for their potty breaks with the exception that it was windy and oh yes, what else....raining!

As I went through the rotations, I checked Feisty again hoping to see signs of her being in heat but no such luck.  I checked Prism since she had come in heat last week.  She was put out by herself.

Last rotation is with Cachet and Journey...

To my surprise when I opened the door to let them in they were tied!!!!!  What the heck!  They were out to potty for about 5 minutes...seems that was long enough.

After somewhat getting over my initial shock I just took a long breath and then settled into that place of 'things happen for a reason'

So, without having any idea 'when' she came in heat or even 'when' or 'if' she ovulated, I will just have to wait and see 'if' she gets pregnant.  If she did indeed conceive, then it was meant to be and I will look forward to what I anticipate to be an awesome litter of puppies!