Today announcements were sent out to each of the new moms and dads that have been waiting anxiously to see which Swirl x Prada puppy I had selected for them.
I am thrilled to say that each new owner was excited about my choice for them!
In less then 2 weeks, the Swirlies will be meeting their new owners and a wonderful journey will begin!
I am most excited by having many new wonderful people join my Hob Nob family!
In another week, these puppies will move to the puppy palace where they will have even more room to play and explore as they will have easy access to the outside puppy yard. Hopefully, we will get some sunny weather before they leave for their new homes.
New pictures are posted in their photo album
The Sequel x Journey puppies are walkin and a talkin! Eyes and ears are open and they are entering that cute stage were I can hear them 'talking'. They can now see each other which often lends to little play sessions.
They have been escaping out of the whelping box so it was time to move them to the front room of which they are now next to the Swirl puppies.
New pictures have been uploaded to their photo album
Both litters will share the webcam until Swirl's puppies move to the puppy palace.
The webcam will be on different times of the day switching between the two litters. Both litters are now seen on